Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain
the right of the poor and oppressed.
— Psalm 82:2-4

The Glorious Children’s Home was established in 1999 to provide hope and a future for girls of extreme poverty and neglect in Tamil Nadu, India. Since opening the home we have expanded from one two story building to include a bath house, kitchens, laundry facilities and even an American style playground. Each of the girls attend school full-time, are given room and board and enjoy all of the love and care that a child needs to prosper and grow in Jesus. At the GCH infectious laughter fills the dorm, some girls play a game of chase around others busy with homework, a stark contrast with the dirt huts and hunger of their previous lives in villages where they were not wanted.

Currently 35 girls and young women are harbored in the safety of our compound in India.